Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How does a married guy deal with bi curiousity?

I am married and really enjoy my spouse as a Friend and a lover, but sometime I get curious urges to be Intimate with a man, anyone else feel this way and how do you deal with it?How does a married guy deal with bi curiousity?
If these fantasies persist...share them with a therapist. You might be leaning towards homosexuality or bisexuality. It is best to get to the bottom of this before you do something you'll regret. If and when you discover your sexuality, you will need to discuss it with your wife...not act on it until the two of you come to an agreement. I really think you should keep this between you and a professional for now.How does a married guy deal with bi curiousity?
If you act on it, then you are cheating ..... you have three choices ... stay married and faithful ,,,,,,, cheat ,,,,,, or get divorced and pursue your curiosity .....
would you be open to bringing another person into the relationship?

im personally completely against it but it may be another option for you...

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