Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do guys deal with jealousy?

well im a kind of a jealous person sometimes it doesnt bother and i just block it off but when it really gets to is when i feel depress ((sometimes out of the nowhere i feel depress)) when i feel depress i feel shitty and jealous n my depression combined with my jealousy has ruin relantionships how can get over this so i can be a better meHow do guys deal with jealousy?
Jealousy is a result of insecurity, and the insecurity comes from fear.

You need to ask yourself what you are afraid of. Is this fear reasonable or justified? Probably not.

I used to be jealous a lot, and I worked it out of my system using basically the method described above.How do guys deal with jealousy?
go to the gym and work it out man thats what I do
Improve your lifestyle?
If you are with someone, and they are willing to stay with you, it's almost like you can brag and be like hey, they are with me, and not you. Don't be so worried. :)
just think who is she with and who does she really love if you see a guy checking her out just slide your hand in her back pocket and smile at the guy
I just don't care really
Not Well
AA has wonderful classes on controlling your mental issues
live each day for yourself... when you try to please and impress others you come out of yourself and are vunerable to the green headed monster.
you should get busy..... go to the gym.. hang out with friends.. don't let your depression control you. have a happy life... for a happy relationship... lol
First of all, try talking to who makes you jealous. If that doesn't work, feel free to go medeival on their @$$!
by beating other guys up
You get jealous and depressed because you lack information. We as people always feel depressed and very sensitive when things happen without our input or control.

The question you have to pose to yourself is what is it exactly that you're jealous about. Is it the fact that he doesn't spend enough time with you, or you feel like you don't trust him spending his time with others?

In any case you look at it, the trust issue or the lack of attention is what you must focus on. Jealousy is a by-product and cannot be dealt with on it's own because it is an honest reaction. If you suppress jealousy, something else will come out and replace it. What if he is cheating on you?... Jealousy will not fix this either.
i agree with transmission--good answer!
just realize that jealousy is a normal aspect of insecurity, find out what makes you insecure and then fix it!
Just know that everyone aside from you is a least say thats what she thinks. No use in being jealous you cause more problems than you want trust me, my girlfriend and i we get into little bs scuffles over that'; like yesterday for instance i was with her and my heterolife mate Nebraska Phil, i said something about seeing our buddy's moms boobs when i was younger. She got all weird and started scoffing, thing is i thought this it was a good idea on account that she likes boobs more than i do, i myself am an *** man. I was explaining how they were hideous they had veracious veins and were all saggy and what not, when i made the worst move of all i said i wish i could see my other friends moms boobs...this was wrong very wrong. In conclusion its 12:38 in the afternoon the next say and shes still passed out sleeping not talking to me. So what you've gotta do is ask yourself is it worth it.
not good

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